
with many generations growing up with miffy, the originally dutch character is part of the many first times: the first books, the first words, and the first days of school. generations of parents and grandparents nowadays are happy to pass on the tradition they once grew up with, knowing miffy as we all know her now. enjoy our collection of books with miffy!

miffy books
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miffy back to school collection

let’s bring miffy to school! Bring a miffy notepad to write down the first-learned words, or get creative in a miffy sketchbook. growing up with miffy means going to school with miffy. in preparation for the first days of school, there’s the miffy at School book, to make learning about school fun and adventurous. besides that, there is a back-to-school collection, with:

  • notepads in a5 and a6 sizes with various prints
  • miffy pencils
  • miffy lunchbox and miffy water bottles
  • miffy tote bags

and special accessories such as bookmarks and more!

playful development with miffy

at miffy town we’re here to support playful development in many possible ways. that’s why we’re creating the miffy experience where you can get to know miffy like you never knew her before. all your questions about miffy will be answered in the miffy town experience. besides that, we are bringing miffy together with green elements such as flower bulbs, pottery, and gardening tools for children. this is how we want to encourage children to learn about nature in a playful way like they’re used to with miffy. the miffy back-to-school collection is supporting the same vision: miffy is a trusted friend that’s part of the learning experiences of the youngest fans.

miffy back-to-school items

many miffy items support playful learning. the puzzles at various levels are a great way to challenge children of many ages. the aprons are a support to start learning and helping in the kitchen, and the notepads are a part of the first drawings and the first-learned words. bringing miffy to school with a special back-to-school collection is part of the mission to support development in a playful way. the miffy at School book can be a beautiful way to prepare children for their first days at school. how exciting is it to have their first special miffy lunchbox, water bottles, or pencils? getting ready for school becomes exciting with this trusted icon that’s part of the preparation process!

order the miffy back-to-school collection online!

prepare your children for school with the miffy back-to-school collection. whether it’s the first school utensils, or an encouraging start to the next year of school: miffy is a part of the upbringing of many young children worldwide. at miffy town we’d like to pass on this icon as we all know her: innocent, adventurous, and easy to love. the miffy experience will be a place where you get to learn everything about miffy and where she comes from, together with a special green space to educate miffy fans about nature. until then, find all special miffy products at school and home at miffy town’s webshop!

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